* you thought you know me? actually you dont.*

Thursday, April 8, 2010

all i ever wanted was you.

after the boring legal-issues-wannabe class, we decided to go for a movie which is strongly recommended by Ms C and Mr M during the brunch and craps session.
there was a briefing about fyp which i intended to attend but the rest are not going and its end up all absent. * ahem*

Ms C is going to clinic for eye problem some plastics surgery stuff.
Ms T is rushing back home for her assignment TV session.
Mr M is.. i think he might attend the IMPORTANT briefing. who knows.
Mr P and Mr S are the best! We ended up 3kakiS since everyone else act so busy. ;(

The movie:


thumb up for the movie! hiccup & astrid are cute vikings tho but toothless the young dragon is soooo adorableeeeeeeeeeeee! omg! i feel like owning one wtf. ;(

toothless is so cute. isnt it? :)

hiccup + toothless

how i wish i can own a pet like toothless. :(
okays la, enough of craps.
back to the boring ass-sign-ment!

fizikaly & mentaly kondemn ehhhh! damn.
i'm cool uhhh. stress yet can still movie-D. lol!