okay. things settled down.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
i want your love, i want your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
december blues.
saw this quote and kinda likey it. huhu.
so i decided to copy it and share it here..
perhaps im just being annoyed.
perhaps this is the real me.
"someday you'll cry for me like i cried for you,
someday you'll need me like i needed you,
someday you'll miss me like i missed you,
someday you'll love me but I WONT LOVE YOU. "
wheeeeeee. dont worry.
im not emo or moody.
its kinda meaningful
and i just wanted to share. :D
Sunday, November 29, 2009
you dont know me, you dont even care..
the 2nd chapter of twilight saga, NEW MOON, ugh. big disappointment. dont ask me why. just go and watch it and you'll know. :|
the christmas carol, ugh ugh. another disappointment. 3D some more. sighs. ding dong bell. maybe i dont really understand the meaning of it. :(
its 3:35AM. YESH! IT IS FREAKO EARLY in the MORNING or i shud say late at midnight. arghs. whatever. it is not the main point tho!
its 3:38 AM now and im still eating this irresistible-sinful-oreo rollllls! argh!! it's jus simply delicious and im getting fat and pui and gemuk and fei day by day! WTH! :(
but still, i do really enjoyed eating it. huhuhu. *screw me!*
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO.. deliiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiious. slurppppp~
attracted by the pic? ngek ngek~ ok dont lie to yourself.
i know you are hungry too..
so lets just get FAT together okays? :D
Monday, November 16, 2009
so maybe it's true, that i cant live without you.. maybe two is better than one.
e-x-a-m weeeeeeek. :(
ahhh whenever i mention about exam, it really spoiled ppl's mood. sighs.
today just finish one paper. two more to go.
but now feel like dying dah. haihs.
now the subjects are like knowing me more than i know them. LOL. :D
w-h-a-t-e-v-e-r. dont careeeeee d.
i do which i know. those qs which i dont know, forget it bah. :(
here i included a cute video of "HOW TO CHEAT in EXAMS". LOL.
and not forgetting,
MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS ditunaikan! yay~ :D
all the best juan.
best of luck to me, myself and I.
god bless.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
tonight i've fallen i cant get up, i need your loving hands to get me up..
finally submitted the
damn-many-works-to-do UCSD
almost-get-me-killed MKP..
ass-SIGH-ments! haihs. :(
now struggling for the-unknown-anything-about-it subject - HCIU.
big THANKS to my lecturer :)
you know i know loh.
exam gona start next week, this week still stuck on assignments and presentations..
oh god, how i wish i can fast-forward the time so that i can skip these shits. haihs.
and thanks to all these,
i actually pending my revision..
which is 宫心计
how sad.
crapped by Miyake at 12:37 AM
Labels: assignments, huhuhu, life, random
Sunday, November 8, 2009
you wont be lonely, even if the sky is falling down, you'll be my only..
back to assignment ah juannnnn.
crapped by Miyake at 1:46 AM
Labels: assignments, emo, friendship, life
Thursday, November 5, 2009
when flowers gaze at you, they're not the one who cry..
currently looking for hciu's exam tips (cant believe i'd asked for it! lol.)
ok lah, i admit that im not a good student. DO NOT laugh at me as you are 50 steps laughs 100 steps only! LOL! (you know who you are.) HAHAHAHAHA!
to those who are having the tips, ok loh, you are a good, pretty/handsome, kind.. etc etc..
can you please give me the tips? hehehehe. im SINCERE okay!
thai hui min and cheryl chia, please do not vomit while reading this post!
im just trying to transform myself to be a GOOD student ok!
SUPPORT abit lahhhhhhh. :D
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
every moment last forever, when you feel you've lost your way
although those as-sign-ments gonna go for the hardcore killing spree soon..
i mean REAL SOON..
but now i currently still in the enjoying honeymoon status which will lead me to sudden death anytime.. i know. :( i need someone/something to motivate me but.. *BIG SIGH*. i know just have to help myself.
ok actually we went to temple today to busy kaypoh with others for the 九王爷诞~ :D
after that, we headed to town when the romantic rain falls.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
started with a perfect kiss, then we could feel the poison set in..
omg! really cant resist someone's chiooooo look!
too bad i dont have the pic of the chioooo ones!
aww yeah! you know im talking about you babe!
what are you waiting for? give me your chio pic please! ;D~
i bet others wanna take a look too!
and YOU'RE WELCOME!! (respond to your pm in msn <3.)
xoxo, love always.
crapped by Miyake at 7:00 PM
Labels: excited, friendship, huhuhu, life
Monday, October 12, 2009
to the bmitwu.
i always wanted to tell you how much i love you and you've always been a great mom and how much you mean to me.
i always think about you in times both good and bad and your advises and love are always with me in happy times and sad.
i grew up with a love that made me confident and sure in my life and because of this love, i always felt secure. i will always follow your guidance along the path of my life which helped me learn my life lessons and be the person that i always wanted to be.
mama, thank you very much for the strengths and your sacrifices you've given me all these years. i know the word thankyou could/would not show how much you cared and loved me with all your heart but this is the least thing i can ever do.
Happy Sweet Birthday, Madam Tan!and you've been awarded THE BEST MOM IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE by me! ;D congratulation! LOL.
meet me halfway, right at the borderline..
i was intended to buy a new mattress but all of them are $$ ;( sighs. end up we went cari makan more than craving for the mattress. ;x
omg! im suppose to diet but.. haihs.
i just cant resist FOODS wtffff..
but the ikanbakar and kacang are so damn delicious.
i shall try again next time. *evil laugh*
Friday, October 2, 2009
bird-day for cbgan. ;D
i know mr. ganteckyong would 100% comfirm/guarantee + warranty wont browse or neither read my blog BUT STILL..
i wanna wish this old man who turns 25 today a very HAPPY BIRD-DAY ! (old man terus la.. but still S&A. haihs.)
which is.....................
happy birthday to you, tyGan! ;)
hope you'll find your partner/gf/lover/wife asap! (i know your mom cant wait to drink teh dah.)
crapped by Miyake at 9:25 PM
Labels: birthday, friendship, huhuhu
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
ok lah, this entry is special dedicated to the name above since today is her 20 BIG day. KB-ians, in case you dont know her, you may/shud go to the SUN on thursday/friday/everynight whenever she's in the town, you may get to see her bayang there. LOL.
and this is the gambar in case you cannot recognize her as she turned MORE cantik kebelakangan ini ( i didnt mean you are ugly before! dont get me wrong!)wiuwitttt.. this is the latest yeapthinthin aka da birthday girl. (:
in case you really cannot recognize her, this is the her before;dont worry lah babe, pretty as usual okeh? ;D
i just want you to know that how much i appreciate you as my..
and whatsoever that bring us close together.
and i do really enjoy whenever we're bitchings together.. lol.
friendship long lasting 99!!
wish you..
everything nice oso forever lahhhh. ^^
xoxo, hugs.
you know i love you.
crapped by Miyake at 2:57 AM
Labels: birthday, friendship, happy, huhuhu
Sunday, September 6, 2009
im pacing, impatient..
guess what? im GOING HOME!!
i got this kind of homesick since ever im at this strangers' place, which not belongs to me.. which i struggled damn fucking much just to stay.
i know my role here and im trying bloody hard to play my part well.. life aint easy shit. haihs. but now feel like kinda releasing those shity feeling..
2115 hour.
did you take off when i'm gone?
i missed it all,
i messed you up,
i missed you.
i'm coming home.. i wanna know
when all the leaves begin to fall?
if i'm falling apart,
falling apart for you.
- Hey Monday, Homecoming.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
both hands tied behind my back with nothing.
today skipped morning class due to the sudden attack of lazy viruses from peter.g =( yea he is a bad sometimes but he is CUTE all the time. =)
and we went brunch at errr.. erm... shit, i really cant think of the shop that we makan-ed because whenever i said "siu yok" or opposite alison, it's clearly understood. ;D huhu.
and guess what, today peter gan hui hui "self-experienced" the method of 3C's. (suddenly realised that i did pay SOME little attention during gbg's class.) LOL.
dengan ini, saya mempersembahkan.. jeng jeng jeng..
peter claimed that he suka green, so.. ok loh. weyyy, it cost RM12 leh dont play-play! ;D but kesian aunty tu kan.. need to carry this kind of thingy and walk far far and sell one by one to the customers. =( peter.g bersimpati dengannya lalu purchased because at first he thought it was only cost RM8. ;X from here, we can membuktikan bahawa peter is seorang BUDAK yang baik hati. ;D
during pasar malam, we went kaikai and mammam. syok! and passed by a stall, saw the same frog but peter insisted that we dont ask about the price because he scare he'll sakit hati.. haihs. guess what, i TAHAN damn long time not to ask the price loh but mr.snow mau buy that one piece mah, what to do? must know the $ also mah. so i asked loh. and of cos, ASK MAI the $ of that frog la. aiyo sad, RM10.. (peter stand aside and cried. :( kesian kan?) sorry loh.
wey, OK what.. the cheng wa wong zi bloody cute ok? JUST LIKE HIM! ;D
crapped by Miyake at 12:31 AM
Labels: huhuhu, life, pasar malam, random
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
dedicated for mr.sc XIANG..
first of all, i would like to wish my berie dearest cousin brother,
mr. sc. XIANG - who finally turns 20 this year! yay~
welcome to the-start-from-TWO-ZERO family! ;D OLD d loh!
i still remember we used to be very close since we were kiddo and you like to call me hong se jiejie just because i always wear the red colour dress. LOL.
i still remember the first time you follow me back to my house and when papa asked you what you wanna eat, you said "McDonald!" and we were all swt.. that time at the kampung place where i stay where got McD lehhh.. you bloody town kiddo! and you end up CRYING! ;o
i still remember there was a day we went to machang and you did something really geli and.. ewwww! (keep it to yourself!)
i still remember the time we used to eat nasi goreng and nasi sayur behind my shop during puasa and gossips!
i still remember we used to bcome NINJAs when you were staying with me! (shhhhhhh..!)
i still rememberthe day i being a very bad cousin sister and brought you to the club for the first time. (forgive me!)
i still remember the night we drink, drank and drunk together and confess stuffs!
i still remember you hugged me and cried on my shoulder and told me your problems.
i still remember how we goes through and be tough during the hardest time together.
i still remember alot of things..
but i guess im sux in expressing my feeling..
and i always show my bad temper to you,
but you never blame me and always be by my side.
and you always help me to bully the other cousins when we were young..
and you always help me to defeat the other cousins, rampas the red bicycle from them.. and ah ma they all always blamed me for teaching you bad things! cis.
and you always help me cover line whenever im in troubles.
and you always help me in my fucking assignments.
and you always help me to do this and that.
and you always help me in anything and everything.
i know you're trying hard to prove to me that you're getting mature and can able to handle everything well by yourself and need not my help. i know you're trying hard to be a better person as you felt that you're not that good before.. but for me, you are good enough.
life goes ups and downs.. many things that are unpredictable. do appreciate what you have now. you know i will always got your back when you needed me. study hard and get good good mia result okay? i chia you makan ho liao! promise! =)
Friday, August 14, 2009
give me reason to prove me wrong..
walaooo~ my eye still bengkakkkk. wth. i think worst than ever. ;(
i got one small single eyelid eyes on my left and i got NO eyelid on the right plus bengkak like nobody business now. fuiyohhhh.. alien indeeeeeed! >.<
i received a gift from cheryl babe after she had her short but adventurous journey (thanks to H1N1.) to Bangkokkkkk.. woooohooo. its Bangkok baby! ;D but no worries lah, you got strong antibodi + devil body and sexy face, virus also scare of you loh. ;D
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
and the coolness runs through my soul..
my eye IS getting worst. i guess. ;(
wanted to attend classes this morning but when i see myself in the mirror,
i thought i've transformed myself into the car light of the merz which is big small eyes. -.-
i think i look fucking dumb. ccb.
now let the picture do the talking.
crapped by Miyake at 10:54 AM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
to ms HUI MIN.
本来是想亲自写一封信给你,把我想要告诉你的事全部写在那封信,不让别人知道。但后来看到李小姐那么有心思特别为你写一个post, 所以我也不能“拾输”,为我的你写一个生日贺词(不懂有没有人会吃醋然后打我.) ;) 虽然迟了很多,但我知道你不忍心着怪我吧!我也好过有些人咯,不忘记你的生日日期!
算算我俩的友谊,有两年多吧?虽然不是很久,但不懂为什么,感觉好像认识了好久,好像老朋老友那样,无所不谈。(应酬一下,当然还有李小姐也一样啦. 可是现在没有办法啦,人家好像有异性没人性,敏,看来你跟我要相依为命了!) ;x
这两年来,我们一起作战的日子并非一帆风顺,算算下也好像一起经过了无数的“灾难”。从vb到现在的dwds,都好像死里逃生。虽然那些科目对某些人来讲是一些易如反掌的事,但对我们来说可是一件蛮困难的事。-.- 还说是IT的学生。唉!可悲!每次的压力都不一样,都让我喘不过气来。每次有困难都好像是世界末日那样,好像就快捱不过了,真的很想放弃!
“喂不要这样啦!以前我们那么差都能捱过,现在也一样可以!” (原来我们很差?哈哈!)
“喂我们要快点赶完assignment!不然等到last minute就来不及了!” (到最后也不是两个傻子在due date七点之前在lab赶assignment.)
“我以前要应酬一个可爱的阿yan已经很累了!现在又到你!真的不能顶。”(哈哈! 看来你是逃不过我们了!应酬我真的有那么累吗?)
“哇你驾车很狼咯~” (两年了,还不习惯吗?哈!)
“唷!你不要那么粗鲁啦!还有你的脚!不要放到那么高。” (我很难顶吧?)
“要玩咩?你每次都欺负人。ok la. 用华语啦!TEN! TWENTY!” (这个很够厉!我看只有你明白吧。)
“你的头发乱咩?你的头发没有整齐过咯~” (*无语*)
“你的头发都是酱啦~ 不乱就不像你。”(赞美还是讽刺?哈哈!)
“唷你的房间。。-.- 不用收啦! 我习惯了! 乱才像你叻。” (我要告你侮辱我!)
“哇你穿到好像要去pasar malam酱!我看你从pasar pagi去到pasar malam咯~ (就只有你穿到最formal了! 不要给我看到你穿t-shirt去学校!不然我叫警察抓你!)
“今天我看还是买比较好。因为我画出线了。好像很明显。” (this is when we gona cheat. lol.)
某恩忽然觉得你很重要,但我一向来都觉得你很重要。没有你,就没有人应酬那么无聊的我了,也没有人会听我的冷笑话然后假假的笑最后被我逗到真真的笑了;还有被我欺负的时候,你也是会用无奈的眼神看着我然后笑着带过~ 哈哈!够无聊吧?有没有想过要揍我?(想清楚了才答!哈!)
说实在的,真得很感谢你加入我的世界,让我的世界添加另一道彩虹。也谢谢你当我遇到挫折时在我身边替我加油打气。;) 还有想告诉你,不管出了什么状况,我也会在撑你到底。哈!好了啦,肉麻的话就不多写了,我懂你能感受到咯!
crapped by Miyake at 7:14 PM
Labels: birthday, excited, friendship, happy
Friday, July 24, 2009
I think I am a boring person.
OH HELLO everybody! opps, i mean nobody actually. ;D
i am backkkkkkkkk but anyway, who cares? phewww~
too many things sudah berlaku recently and i IS darn lazyyy to blog about it. :( i wish i WOULD be more hardworking if i COULD. ;x
today went bowling then after that movieeeeeeee at times square.
we watched LAND of the LOST
"when the past, present and future met together.." thats the concept of da movie where you can see the T.Rex met scientist and the alien wtf. =.=" swt.
it was a stupid yet funny movie which makes PETER GAN laughed non-stop in the cinema like no one business yet he still complained that it was a low-cost movie!
after that dinner at U-Village, Sg. Wang. woohoooo~ and guess what, we randomly paid a niceeee price..
ladies out thereeee.. this guy is still S&A. he's cuteeeeeeeeeeee.. isnt it? awwwww!! he surely is.
so what are you waiting for? come and get himmmmmmmm... wheeeeeeeee~ i bet he will be darn HAPPY when he see this. ;D and i can ensure you that this yan yong hui is very ROMANTIC and he is a greeeeeeeeeeeeen lover. ;D
sai lou, you see how good jiejie treat you!! must belanja me makan lohhhhh!
Monday, June 8, 2009
one step at a time.
tata to almost-get-killed-by-exams MAY;
but.. im leaving to GENTING da entertainment city soon! YAY~
see ya babe & dudes! *grins*
photos will be upload when i come backkkkkkkkkkkkk~
lotsa LOVE.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
all good things come to an end.
MU down.
DWDS down.
my mood down.
im damn fucking pissed off!
would somebody be kind to take a gun and shoot on my head?
i'd rather die.. if i dont have you.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
we keep on fighting til the end.
enuff said.. ;D
Here goes our famous 'Glory Glory MU' song:
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.
Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We'll keep the Red Flags flying high
You've got to see yourself from far and wide
You've got to hear the masses sing with pride
United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They'll be singing 'Que Sera Sera'
United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Glory Glory Man United
Glory Glory Man United
Glory Glory Man United
As the Reds Go Marching On! On! On! (3x)
we are the CHAMPION !
crapped by Miyake at 2:03 AM
Labels: celebration, happy, life
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
i hate this part right here.
i know im selfish.
if you could understand.
but only you could stay,
and if it's only a lie
that you would tell
which i know..
just to make me happy;
deep inside my heart
im truely happy.
yell at me,
for my mistakes;
blame on me,
for my childish
snide about me,
for my stubborness.
whatever it is..
do i ever look like i care?
Friday, May 1, 2009
but if you wanna cry, cry on my shoulder..
- brand new month.
- brand new week.
- brand new day.
- out of CA$H. (i'd be pleased if someone would donate to me!)
- cannot control my lame stylo. (who cares anyway?)
- havent started any shit of my dwds. (this time die keras keras! but still lazy.)
argh!! screwed kau-kau! yeah, screw you-you! ;X
im deeply in love with my voodoo doll which is ridiculous-looking-but-meaningful doll. his name is saan ha but i dont know the actual meaning of the name. saan ha is a gift from mr. leong long long time ago and recently i found him inside my wardrobe. saan ha is hurt. he must be very lonely since i left him inside my wardrobe. ;( i will sayang you start from now okay? bring you to go everywhere i go!
can you see his name?
can you see the needles on his heart? ;(
he is deeply hurt. just like me!
aiyoh, almost forgot tim..
happy blardy-but-nothing-to-do-with-me LABOUR day to those who are working!! good loh you guys.. 3 days break berturut-turut. hope you guys enjoy lah! ;D
only heart deserves HEART!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
j0elakesl. iheartyou.
i would like to say happie beauty birthday to my beloved
loved loved loved loved loved..
j0ez lake aka the cutieeee pie! *heart*
we dont have to talk alot but you can just easily understand me..
you are there when i needed you the most.
thanks for being such a great friend.
i truly sincerely cherish our friendship since few years back..
and i will continue doing it..
you will always be my evil-laughing cutie pie!
just wanted to wish you a very happie 2x birthday!
(okie laa, hide ur actual age for you! you see how good i am!) ;x
hope your dreams come true..
and stay pretty always ya!
xoxo. love you. ;)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
i'm my own worst enemy.
things are going against me lately. and i dont understand why.
and just because i swear more than you do, does that show that im a bad and you're not?
i know lahhhh biatch, everyone knows that you're the most polite homosapiens in the world lahh who always wearing different shity mask everyday. opps! sorry. im being rude again.
you dare to swear to god that you never swear or not? fuktard. just because i swear 'fuck' and you replace the word to 'ji dan gao' aka chicken egg cake doesnt mean that you dont swear. the word 'ji dan gao' is only the the cover line for you and you wanna tell that you are more polite than me just because i swear 'cibai' or 'diu'? mofo. it is only the same term for me as ji dan gao as i sweared in different words doesnt mean im rude.
you know, it is so damn fucking annoying when people are complaining about your rudeness like 'hou sam la, you are a girl, dont swear those words lah!' 'dont be so rude laaa!' 'yiyerrr, tao yan, dont swear so much lah no good one!' yeah right. swear ma ass off.
what? swearing is not good? why is it not good? you tell me. is it bad for health? or you will be dying when someone is swearing? or you will gone blind when i show you my middle finger? yiu. fucking retarded. just because you dont show middle finger and this will makes you a better person ahhh? dont be so self-preservation laaa. dont fucking judge me that way. diu.
and guess what? im just gona say..
eh please lah, you know you are swearing. like anyone else too.
i do say please. do i sound like more polite?
and not forgetting..
would you please.. put me out of my fucking misery?
Friday, March 27, 2009
dalam dilema, di antara jalan derita.
hari ini saya akan blog dengan bahasa malaysia. semoga saya dapat tulis dengan selancar-lancarnya. ;X
akhirnya, peperiksaan makmal BFP yang merupakan mimpi ngeri bagi saya sudah berakhir. tapi sedih, saya tidak mempunyai masa yang mencukupi untuk membuat kesemua soalan yang diberi. haihs. banyak jawapan yang ditinggalkan kosong.. matilah kali ini. ;(
aduhai. kini saya berasa sangat takut kalau-kalau dapat markah yang tidak memuaskan. mesti kena tembak kuat-kuat. wuwu. harap-harap saya dapat melepasi dugaan ini!
gambar hari ini:
inilah rupa yang tensyen sebelum peperiksaan.
rupa-rupanya begitu susah mahu blog dalam bahasa malaysia. kalau selalu macam ini, mesti kena penyakit tekanan darah tinggi.
harap maaflah kalau blog saya ini ada banyak kesalahan tapi ini adalah untuk kegunaan sendiri sahaja. sekian sajalah entri ini. terima kasih atas kesabaran anda untuk membaca. HAHAHA.
the best place to cry is in the rain.. where no one will know.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
one step closer to the edge.
sorry for my stupidity. i just couldnt help myself. just a lil bit out of track. but i promise i will be fine.
BFP is killing indeed. im dyingggggg!! argh! i wonder why i still have time for this post.. LOL. i shud get my ass settled and continue my practice. practice makes perfect, right?? -.-
PRAY HARD. i mean, REAL HARD. hopefully there will be a rainbow for me after the rain. :]
good luck everyone!
perhaps this would help?
When will this miserable life end?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
AIYO screw lah! i lewat again. as usual..
Ms. HIN with her lovely smile.
and here is.......
it will soon enough deliver to you babe! hope you will like it! ;D
i heart you. always.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.