today skipped morning class due to the sudden attack of lazy viruses from peter.g =( yea he is a bad sometimes but he is CUTE all the time. =)
and we went brunch at errr.. erm... shit, i really cant think of the shop that we makan-ed because whenever i said "siu yok" or opposite alison, it's clearly understood. ;D huhu.
and guess what, today peter gan hui hui "self-experienced" the method of 3C's. (suddenly realised that i did pay SOME little attention during gbg's class.) LOL.
dengan ini, saya mempersembahkan.. jeng jeng jeng..
peter claimed that he suka green, so.. ok loh. weyyy, it cost RM12 leh dont play-play! ;D but kesian aunty tu kan.. need to carry this kind of thingy and walk far far and sell one by one to the customers. =( peter.g bersimpati dengannya lalu purchased because at first he thought it was only cost RM8. ;X from here, we can membuktikan bahawa peter is seorang BUDAK yang baik hati. ;D
during pasar malam, we went kaikai and mammam. syok! and passed by a stall, saw the same frog but peter insisted that we dont ask about the price because he scare he'll sakit hati.. haihs. guess what, i TAHAN damn long time not to ask the price loh but mr.snow mau buy that one piece mah, what to do? must know the $ also mah. so i asked loh. and of cos, ASK MAI the $ of that frog la. aiyo sad, RM10.. (peter stand aside and cried. :( kesian kan?) sorry loh.
wey, OK what.. the cheng wa wong zi bloody cute ok? JUST LIKE HIM! ;D