* you thought you know me? actually you dont.*

Sunday, November 29, 2009

you dont know me, you dont even care..


the 2nd chapter of twilight saga, NEW MOON, ugh. big disappointment. dont ask me why. just go and watch it and you'll know. :|

the christmas carol, ugh ugh. another disappointment. 3D some more. sighs. ding dong bell. maybe i dont really understand the meaning of it. :(

its 3:35AM. YESH! IT IS FREAKO EARLY in the MORNING or i shud say late at midnight. arghs. whatever. it is not the main point tho!

its 3:38 AM now and im still eating this irresistible-sinful-oreo rollllls! argh!! it's jus simply delicious and im getting fat and pui and gemuk and fei day by day! WTH! :(

but still, i do really enjoyed eating it. huhuhu.
*screw me!*

WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO.. deliiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiious. slurppppp~
attracted by the pic? ngek ngek~ ok dont lie to yourself.
i know you are hungry too..
so lets just get FAT together okays? :D
