i was kaikai-ing with my so-called daddy, mr LEONG, to pavilion. ;D but sad, we only went for window shoppinggg since our wallet almost "dry" dah!! ;(
pavilion, in my term, is a high-class shopping mall with all those dreamers' dream branded stuffs + costly with fine quality and looking good clothes :D~~~ and.. and.. bla. (cheryl babe, we shall go shopping someday! ;x)
mr. LEONG claimed that he never try Carl's Jr. before, so we went there to makan! ;D and guess what, he was actually surprised with the SIZE of the burger!! LOL. i ter-read a quote at the tissue box there found that it was quite funny. it says "She Tells You Size Does Not Matter. She's Lying." omg! whats that suppose to mean? LOL. ngek ngek ngek. okay lah, dont think too much ya. it actually talking about the size of the burger la. *winks!* ;x
here is the result..............
can you see how hungry he was? ;x
but seriously, i cant finish the goddamn burger!! ;( its really biggggg!! ahh no, i think the suitable word to describe the burger is HUGE! damn bloody BESARRRRR you tau? -.-" i shall call peter to join me since he likes to eat ppl's leftover so much. (since he likes to complain that me and cheryl always wasted the foods.) hurhurhur. ;D what? geli ah? no leh, you can save alot you know? ;D *referencing: peter's quote.*
and last but not least, muacks to my sexy housemate, mr GAN xiong xiong for his lovely blue roses..
tenkiu verie muchie! *hugs!*
not all scars show. not all wounds heel. sometimes you can't see the pain that you feel.