this morning hardly get off from bed because it was so comfortable to stay under my warm blanket and plus the weather are like indirectly tell me not to go for class.. raining heavily and thunderrrrrrr. aww! laziness conquered 80% of my mind. another 20% dont know gone where. but sad.. since im a good student, what to do, MUST attend class loh! ;X
went lunchieeee with my funny-to-death classmates at miu kai because we really outta ideas where to go for lunch since we kept eating the same foods. every week. can you imagine that? swt -.- the food hunting session was awesome. and we were there chit-chatting for about 2hours+. gosh! we were just simply too many topics to talk about.. from the sky to the land and to sea. LOL. and me, cheryl and peter were ordered there same drinks which we called ying yong in cantonese and it is actually only coffee + tea.
here's the result..
cheryl lovely babe with her ying yong.
Miyake Hale and her ying yong. ;x
and the best poser goes to...
hurhurhur. aww! peter is soooooooooooooooooooooo cute with the one-line eyes smile. do you guys agree with me? ;D lets voteeeeeeeeeeee.
randon picture of the day :

You said you didn't need me in your life. I guess you were right.