ok lah, this entry is special dedicated to the name above since today is her 20 BIG day. KB-ians, in case you dont know her, you may/shud go to the SUN on thursday/friday/everynight whenever she's in the town, you may get to see her bayang there. LOL.
and this is the gambar in case you cannot recognize her as she turned MORE cantik kebelakangan ini ( i didnt mean you are ugly before! dont get me wrong!)wiuwitttt.. this is the latest yeapthinthin aka da birthday girl. (:
in case you really cannot recognize her, this is the her before;dont worry lah babe, pretty as usual okeh? ;D
i just want you to know that how much i appreciate you as my..
and whatsoever that bring us close together.
and i do really enjoy whenever we're bitchings together.. lol.
friendship long lasting 99!!
wish you..
everything nice oso forever lahhhh. ^^
xoxo, hugs.
you know i love you.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
crapped by Miyake at 2:57 AM
Labels: birthday, friendship, happy, huhuhu
Sunday, September 6, 2009
im pacing, impatient..
guess what? im GOING HOME!!
i got this kind of homesick since ever im at this strangers' place, which not belongs to me.. which i struggled damn fucking much just to stay.
i know my role here and im trying bloody hard to play my part well.. life aint easy shit. haihs. but now feel like kinda releasing those shity feeling..
2115 hour.
did you take off when i'm gone?
i missed it all,
i messed you up,
i missed you.
i'm coming home.. i wanna know
when all the leaves begin to fall?
if i'm falling apart,
falling apart for you.
- Hey Monday, Homecoming.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
both hands tied behind my back with nothing.
today skipped morning class due to the sudden attack of lazy viruses from peter.g =( yea he is a bad sometimes but he is CUTE all the time. =)
and we went brunch at errr.. erm... shit, i really cant think of the shop that we makan-ed because whenever i said "siu yok" or opposite alison, it's clearly understood. ;D huhu.
and guess what, today peter gan hui hui "self-experienced" the method of 3C's. (suddenly realised that i did pay SOME little attention during gbg's class.) LOL.
dengan ini, saya mempersembahkan.. jeng jeng jeng..
peter claimed that he suka green, so.. ok loh. weyyy, it cost RM12 leh dont play-play! ;D but kesian aunty tu kan.. need to carry this kind of thingy and walk far far and sell one by one to the customers. =( peter.g bersimpati dengannya lalu purchased because at first he thought it was only cost RM8. ;X from here, we can membuktikan bahawa peter is seorang BUDAK yang baik hati. ;D
during pasar malam, we went kaikai and mammam. syok! and passed by a stall, saw the same frog but peter insisted that we dont ask about the price because he scare he'll sakit hati.. haihs. guess what, i TAHAN damn long time not to ask the price loh but mr.snow mau buy that one piece mah, what to do? must know the $ also mah. so i asked loh. and of cos, ASK MAI the $ of that frog la. aiyo sad, RM10.. (peter stand aside and cried. :( kesian kan?) sorry loh.
wey, OK what.. the cheng wa wong zi bloody cute ok? JUST LIKE HIM! ;D
crapped by Miyake at 12:31 AM
Labels: huhuhu, life, pasar malam, random
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
dedicated for mr.sc XIANG..
first of all, i would like to wish my berie dearest cousin brother,
mr. sc. XIANG - who finally turns 20 this year! yay~
welcome to the-start-from-TWO-ZERO family! ;D OLD d loh!
i still remember we used to be very close since we were kiddo and you like to call me hong se jiejie just because i always wear the red colour dress. LOL.
i still remember the first time you follow me back to my house and when papa asked you what you wanna eat, you said "McDonald!" and we were all swt.. that time at the kampung place where i stay where got McD lehhh.. you bloody town kiddo! and you end up CRYING! ;o
i still remember there was a day we went to machang and you did something really geli and.. ewwww! (keep it to yourself!)
i still remember the time we used to eat nasi goreng and nasi sayur behind my shop during puasa and gossips!
i still remember we used to bcome NINJAs when you were staying with me! (shhhhhhh..!)
i still rememberthe day i being a very bad cousin sister and brought you to the club for the first time. (forgive me!)
i still remember the night we drink, drank and drunk together and confess stuffs!
i still remember you hugged me and cried on my shoulder and told me your problems.
i still remember how we goes through and be tough during the hardest time together.
i still remember alot of things..
but i guess im sux in expressing my feeling..
and i always show my bad temper to you,
but you never blame me and always be by my side.
and you always help me to bully the other cousins when we were young..
and you always help me to defeat the other cousins, rampas the red bicycle from them.. and ah ma they all always blamed me for teaching you bad things! cis.
and you always help me cover line whenever im in troubles.
and you always help me in my fucking assignments.
and you always help me to do this and that.
and you always help me in anything and everything.
i know you're trying hard to prove to me that you're getting mature and can able to handle everything well by yourself and need not my help. i know you're trying hard to be a better person as you felt that you're not that good before.. but for me, you are good enough.
life goes ups and downs.. many things that are unpredictable. do appreciate what you have now. you know i will always got your back when you needed me. study hard and get good good mia result okay? i chia you makan ho liao! promise! =)