today is a holiday (hari nuzul al-Quran, i dont know whether spell correctly or not.) for few states in malaysia. err, i mean those ISLAMIC state like here. lol. but those lazy ppl who stays at non-holiday state like someone also will give themselves an offday today due to their laziness. :X and i tot today will be free abit due to holiday, but who knows.. shop lagi many customers. good also lah, not that boring mah hoh. and can earn money too. $_$
and pity me. i only ate 2 meals today. cirit-birit leh. babi j0ez, mali jaga aku please. :(
and kesian mr wong also. he kena chicken pox. sure gatal sini sana leh. i had it when i was 19 and i know that kind of itchy mia feeling but cant scratch. :( cannot kena angin, cannot eat this and that, cannot go here and there. KESIAN!! but nvm lah, people said we only had it once in our whole life. (dont know true or not) but still, hope you get well soon lah! take good care of yourself. nanti during bday hvnt cure then kantoi. stay at home celebrate with cicak and antu only. wuwu. :X
night folks.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
random post.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
random post with pizza. ;)
since i came back (2nd) til now (16th), tak pernah lagi makan any fast food. kesian me hoh? :X tu la, dad said fast food not healthy la, oily la, ini la itu la, i also lazy leh mau makan later kena membebel free free. lol.
this afternoon been sms-ed wif my dad. knowing that mr Leong is going back to somewhere he belongs. (konon nyer.) and suddenly thought of this evil idea.. makan PIZZA! and hoh, pizza not consider as fast food mah, kan after we ordered then we need to sit there and wait for it and sometimes it takes quite some time to serve us the pizza. so it is not fast food. fast means you ordered, and you get it immediately. kan kan kan? YAY~~ :D
SO, we went to mall's pizza hut and ziao-ed pizza lur.. and i bring my little cousin, fuyi along.
after that, tea session with cute cute alvin and cool eric ting and fish benny. :D
happy ending. night people.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
unspoken words..
help. me. im. so. tired. and. i. cant. breathe.
everyday need to wake up at 8am. everyday need to go to the same shop to have breakfast. everyday need to be at shop. everyday everyday everyday.. the same.
sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday saturday, even friday also the same. no off day. no relax. no rest. nothing.
now i know how tired and tough for them. now i know it is not easy to be them. now i know it is not easy to live. now i know it is no easy to earn something. now i know. finally know.
i hope it is not too late for me.
it's hard for me to tell them. it's hard to tell face to face. i hope to be brave enough to tell them that i love them, indeed. i heart them.
tears keep falling from eyes. i cant control. really heartache.. just want to tell them how much i care for them and sorry if i've made any mistakes.
tired. i better off to bed. night. *emo*
Monday, September 15, 2008
this morning around 7am++ been waken up by a morning call from my cousin who just stay beside my house.. and she told me that my grandpa need to go to the hospital for medical check-ups. (grandpa is stayin with my family) and the funny thing is, she never call my numbers but she call dad's numbers and both of my peh and buh still sleeping til syok cos its waktu subuh and its cold outside and damn bloody warm to sleep under the blanket. SO, i need to walk into my parents' room and answered the call and open the door so that my grandpa can go with them. Zz.
around 9am+ and i started my journey to go to the hospital to "change shift" cos my aunty claimed that she needs to go back home to prepare the stuffs for "pai pai" and she hvnt do any single thing yet. Zz. i thought thing would be that easy.. i REALLY THOUGHT lah! mana tau, parking dah hard to find, need to pusing here and there for dont know how many rounds then end up park at beside white line there. AND itu clkknspkm mia guard come and halau me.. i was like, "wtf, so many cars park sini lu tarak halau tapi halau aku je!" and in my heart i cursed him 9696 altho i know it is their responsibility to do so lah. ( im not that bad la hoh? :P) then i need to park and sibeh far mia place and walk toward clinic there. clk.
inilah "zhu tou tong" yang palinggggg sedapppppppppp sekaliiiiiiiiiiii ~~~ :D yum yum. orh, please dont be jealous ya. :X
anyway, i'm here to wish everyone HAPPY MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL !! and enjoy your mo0ncakes ah!! :D and here is the new choices of mooncakes for year 2008 which i think it is quite cute and funny. take a look..
it is so cute isnt it? LOL. damn gerammmm leh feel like eating it.. :D
OK Lah, thats all. i go kaypoh with their tanglungs awhile la.
night everyone. *hugs*
Sunday, September 14, 2008
lets start with nonsense.. :D
wOohOo~~ today is a new day for me (aiyah, just pretend it is la altho its not!) cos today kinda special for me mah. fyi, this is my new blog and i already deleted the previous one cos it was kinda messy and nothing special in the previous blogs also. (hohoho! :X)
new blog, new lifestyle, everything new. so please welcome a brand new me. (*laugh evilly!*)
and and.. not forgetting, my cute plus funny plus adorable plus handsome (he insists this! LOL.) but a LITTLE bit FAT punya daddy.. HAPPY 23rd birthday!! OK, let me show you my so-called daddy yah.. deng deng deng deng..
inilah daddy ku yang ku mention tadi.. LOL. act cute lah tuh. :X hopefully i wont get killed for mem-siasuey-kan dia. kakakaka. anyway, happy birthday (again) and hope your dreams come trueeee.. terutamanya can "one more floor" with that who who who lah kay? :D *winks!
just had dinner at behind pantai timur there.. chicken chop eh. yum yum.. :O its been a long time gua didnt go there and it still taste so niceeeeeeeeeeee.. woohooo. and here come the pictures..
This is jian and cha bor mia foodsss.. deliciousieeee :D and.. deng deng deng deng...
this is cha bor with her yum yum food~~~ :D and she really enjoyed it. YAY~~
OK lah, that's all for this post la. tired. ciaoz. *yawns*